No smoking around HHG.
Uncrating procedures at delivery
California's entry requirements for household goods shipments pertaining to Spotted Lantern Flys.
TSP Certification of Health Protection Protocols form is no longer needed, but action items remain.
A reminder for haulers to call ahead for SIT.
The new names are part of a larger effort by the Pentagon to scrub references to Confederate military leaders and commemoration of rebel victories.
Information on rule changes effective 15 May 2023.
Additional information on shipping lithium batteries
USTC protocols regarding shipping lithium batteries
Protect yourself when it comes to mold!
General guidance on base access along with information on a few bases with unique requirements.
Customers cannot secure load date changes with the agent or hauler directly; they must facilitate the process with the TSP and JPPSO in writing.
It is becoming more common for freight companies to invoice agents directly for detention or dry run fees.
NFC Q3 newsletter for 2022. Topics include the new USTRANSCOM Counseling Materials, Electronic Inventories, Reweigh FAQs, and Instructions on how to take a proper rider. Please contact with questions.
NFC Q2 newsletter for 2022. Topics include the new DP3 CSS, Reminders on Loading Shipments from NTS, and Tips for Pre-packed Boxes & Totes. Please contact with questions.
NFC Q1 newsletter for 2022. Topics include NFC's Domestic Guidebook, Electronic Inventories, Weight Tickets, and COVID Procedures. Please contact with questions.
NFC Q4 newsletter for 2021. Topics include 2022 Business Rules, 2021 Peak Season Statistics, and Reminders for Paperwork Submittal. Please contact with questions.
PPF & GHC Summary as well has highlights on new Claims Business Rules
Comprehensive Guide to the 15 May 2020 TOS Updates
Peak Season Refusal Policy Thoughts
Overview of the PPF
USTRANSCOM Planning to Outsource
SDDC has a new name!
We have updated our email system!
Slides provided by the services on the Personal Property Forum.
NFC's policy on crating and 3rd party services.
Updates on the Fuel Surcharge and PowerTrack fees.
Additional information regarding the U.S. Bank billing fee
Tips for recording customer pro-gear
An important reminder regarding shipment weights and reweighs.
A reminder on shipment weights
A memo from Kevin Spealman, Vice President of Claims and Customer service regarding the difference between pro-gear and OCIE
A reminder as to the procedures for origin weights and reweigh requests.
Here are a few reminders of NFC's Policies when servicing our shipments. Included is a list of contacts at the bases to send origin documents to.
Pat Johnson, President of NFC, references a memo by Kevin Spealman, VP of Claims and Customer Service, explaining exactly what Conversion to Members Expense is.
Cheryl Garamoni, Director Agency Services, updates agents on properly Completed Inventory & Weight Tickets
Cheryl Garamoni, Director Agency Services, reminds agents about stricter base access polices around the country.
Phone: 888-993-6683