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November 2014: Honor Flight Chicago

Since 2011, National Forwarding Co., Inc. employees dedicate April through September to fundraising for Honor Flight Chicago. This organization’s mission is to honor and thank our World War II veterans by flying them on an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. The cost of each veteran’s flight is about $500 and over the last 4 years donations from NFC employees have sent 31 World War II vets to Washington D.C. for this unique experience.


NFC’s involvement in Honor Flight Chicago started from a passionate employee Jim, a U.S. Army Veteran 1971-1973. He has been working with this charity since 2009 and Jim and his wife attended the Welcome Home celebration of the vets when they landed at Chicago’s Midway Airport on October 29th. Hundreds of people line up along Southwest Baggage Claim Area and patiently wait for these heroes to be let off the plane so the cheering can begin.

This year Jim met up with a familiar face Mac, a 93 year old World War II vet who went on his own Honor Flight several years ago. Mac comes to the Welcome Home events to cheer for his brothers and sisters who have also served and over the years Jim has listened to many great stories from Mac. As the evening came to a close Jim stopped to say “see you next year” to Mac. Mac’s reply, “God willing, but if not…don’t you worry about me, I’ve had a great life.”


NFC employees are proud to support such a worthwhile charity that sends vets such as Mac to Washington D.C. This year we raised $6000 and are hoping to beat that record next year! 

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