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NFC Firearms Policy




To prevent the loss and/or theft of firearms.


This policy applies to all agents of National Van Lines, National Forwarding Company and all subsidiaries and affiliates with whom a Transportation Service Agreement is maintained.


The Department of Defense requires that carriers take effective steps to prevent the loss and/or theft of firearms. In addition to being high value items, firearms are inherently dangerous, and stolen firearms are frequently used in the commission of crimes. It is the duty of every carrier and agent to take effective steps to prevent their theft or loss. If firearms are missing from a shipment, the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command will hold a Carrier Review Board to determine whether the carrier should be disqualified from further participation in the DoD Personal Property Program.


A. Firearms are not allowed to be transported in a safe or gun safe, per the DP3 Tender of Service.

B. All firearms must be packed within a carton. The carton should not be labeled as containing firearms.

C. According to the Tender of Service, each privately owned firearm will be annotated on the inventory by make, model, caliber or gauge, and serial number. This information must be on both the regular inventory and the high value/high risk inventory.

D. Security seals must be affixed on the seams at the top and bottom of the carton. The customer must witness the packing of the firearms and sign the seals. Additional seals should be used if necessary to adequately secure larger cartons such as wardrobe cartons.

E. It is the origin agent’s responsibility to complete the high value/high risk inventory at the time the seals are affixed. The origin agent must ensure that the driver is aware of the firearms prior to loading.

F. Revenue Penalty - If the origin agent does not follow the procedures referenced above, the origin agent will forfeit their entire booking commission. Further, if a Carrier Review Board is convened against the carrier as a result of a missing firearm and the loss is attributed to the agent’s failure to follow the firearms handling policy, the agent will hold the carrier harmless from any and all expenses incurred to defend and/or appear at the Carrier Review Board.

G. On containerized shipments, the origin agent’s responsibilities specified above will still apply. The High Value/High Risk Inventory and Security Seal Procedures pertaining to cartons are still applicable. Firearms should be put in the first crate labeled “No. 1.” At the time of delivery, the firearms must be located and their receipt acknowledged by the property owner.


A. Any time the shipment changes hands, the receiving party should check off the high value inventory and carefully scrutinize the seals, acknowledging receipt of the high value items and the fact that security seals are still in place and undisturbed. If there is any question about whether the seals are intact, or if no seals were used, the carton should be opened, and the presence of the firearms noted. The Carton should then be re-sealed with new security seals. The rider should be annotated that the carton was inspected, and new seals numbers annotated on the rider.

B. There is a mandatory unpack for firearms at delivery, as part of the High Value/High Risk Program. The customer must initial each item on High Value/High Risk Inventory, including the firearms, and sign that they received.

C. If firearms are noted as missing or if any irregularities are noted, our claims and customer service department is to be telephoned immediately at (800) 325-6889.

D. If a firearm cannot be located at the time of delivery, the destination Transportation Office and local police must be called. All delivery personnel, including their personal and company vehicles and all equipment and debris must remain on the scene until police arrive to conduct a thorough investigation and search for the missing firearm(s).

Phone: 888-993-6683

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